Programa Santa Maria Resiliente
Hopeful Laboratory of Biodiversity and Disaster
The Hopeful Laboratory of Biodiversity and Disaster researches the environmental damage caused by natural and man-made disasters.
Hopeful Laboratory of Communication and Disaster
The Hopeful Laboratory of Communication and Disaster researches how public authorities, the media and social networks relate to the information generated by disasters.
Hopeful Laboratory of Stress and Disaster
The Hopeful Laboratory of Stress and Disaster researches how emergency workers and the community deal with the stressors caused by disasters.
Hopeful Laboratory of Disaster Epidemiology
The Hopeful Laboratory of Disaster Epidemiology assesses the short- and long-term adverse health effects of disasters to help guide emergency response and recovery efforts and predict the consequences of future disasters.
Hopeful Laboratory of Transport Accidents
The Hopeful Laboratory of Transport Accidents researches disasters caused by man in air, road, rail and maritime transport, investigating their causal dynamics, in addition to human damage.
Hopeful Laboratory of Industrial Accidents
The Hopeful Laboratory of Industrial Accidents researches man-made disasters, specifically chemical spills, meltdowns, explosions, fires, gas leaks, poisoning, radiation, and oil spills.
Hopeful Laboratory of Extraterrestrial Disaster
The Hopeful Laboratory of Extraterrestrial Disaster researches disasters caused by asteroids, meteoroids, and comets as they pass close to Earth, enter Earth's atmosphere, and/or strike Earth, and by changes in interplanetary conditions that affect the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere.
Hopeful Laboratory of Biological Disaster
The Hopeful Laboratory of Biological Disaster researches disasters caused by exposure to living organisms and their toxic substances (eg, poison, mold) or vector-borne diseases they may carry. Examples are wild animals and poisonous insects, poisonous plants, and mosquitoes that carry disease-causing agents such as parasites, bacteria, or viruses (eg, malaria).
Hopeful Laboratory of Climatological Disaster
The Hopeful Laboratory of Climatological Disaster researches disasters caused by long-term atmospheric processes, from meso to macroscale, ranging from intra-seasonal to multi-decadal climate variability.
Hopeful Laboratory of Hydrological Disaster
The Hopeful Laboratory of Hydrological Disaster researches disasters caused by the occurrence, movement and distribution of surface and subsurface fresh and salt water.
Hopeful Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster
The Hopeful Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster researches disasters caused by short-term extreme weather and atmospheric conditions, on a micro to meso scale, lasting from minutes to days.
Hopeful Laboratory of Geological Disaster
The Hopeful Laboratory of Geological Disaster researches disaster hazards originating from solid earth, this term being used interchangeably with the term geological hazard.
Hopeful Institute for Agriculture and Disasters
The Hopeful Institute for Agriculture and Disasters studies the agricultural impacts of disasters that include contamination of water bodies, loss of crops or livestock, increased susceptibility to disease, and destruction of irrigation systems and other agricultural infrastructure.
Hopeful Institute of Disaster Economics
The Hopeful Institute of Disaster Economics researches the phenomena, on a macro and micro scale, of economic losses associated with the occurrence of disasters, with an emphasis on public finances.
Hopeful Institute of Mental Health and Disasters
The Hopeful Institute of Mental Health and Disasters researches mental disorders resulting from exposure to disasters, in their clinical and epidemiological aspects.
Hopeful Institute of Power, Politics and Disasters
The Hopeful Institute of Power, Politics and Disasters seeks, through the human and social sciences, to understand the dynamics of power and politics in disasters, in order to improve command practices based on governance.
Hopeful Institute of Humanitarian Logistics
The Hopeful Institute of Humanitarian Logistics researches the mobilization of people, resources and knowledge to provide much-needed assistance to disaster-affected communities.
Hopeful Institute of Theology and Disasters
The Hopeful Institute of Theology and Disasters studies the phenomenon of the divine in disaster episodes, seeking to understand religious narratives as cause and justification, as well as chaplaincy assistance activities.
Hopeful Observatory on Human Rights and Disasters
The Hopeful Observatory on Human Rights and Disasters studies, debates and catalogs human rights violations in disasters in order to recommend good practices that prevent or mitigate these violations.
Hopeful Center for Engineering and Disaster
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Hopeful Center for Health and Disaster
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Hopeful Center for Human Development and Disasters
The Hopeful Center for Human Development and Disasters researches the short and long term damage caused by exposure to disasters at any stage of an individual's development, in its three main aspects (physical, cognitive and psychosocial).
Hopeful Center for Resilient Cities
The Hopeful Center for Resilient Cities researches the ability of cities to avoid, withstand, adapt and recover from exposure to disasters, from any source, based on best governance practices.
Hopeful Center of Existential Risks
The Hopeful Center of Existential Risks researches anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic risks that could lead to human extinction or civilizational collapse.
Hopeful Center of Planetary Health
The Hopeful Center for Planetary Health researches anthropogenic disturbances in natural ecosystems, understanding the health of human civilization as dependent on the state of natural systems.
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